Mehdi Yacoubi

Mehdi Yacoubi

Ingénieur en Développement Informatique

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Spécialisé en

UI/UX Design

My concern is to make sure that the product logically flows from one step to the next. I study how it feels, improving UI and UX until people say "wow, I need it!".

Developpement des application Web

I focus on ensuring the best interaction suited for each digital situation, while following all the necessary steps to create engaging and effective experiences.

Aplication Mobile


It has been my first and only field for many years, and it still is an integral part of my ability as a designer in both printing and digital creative processes.


What I aim for is creating a unique name and image for a product in the consumers' mind, mainly through advertising campaigns with a consistent theme.

Custom CMS

It's quite annoying when a company wastes time due to its lack of internal data organization. I create custom solutions to manage the entire marketing process.

Motion Graphics

Life never stops. I'ts a continuous movement. I'm a motion graphics passionate, I like the idea of every single frame as being vital to create the illusion of animation.

Proffessional Skills

  • Photoshop

  • HTML

  • CSS

  • Jquery

  • .Net

  • Creative 80%

  • Leadership 70%

  • Communication 75%

  • Français 80%

  • English 60%

  • Arabe 90%





Bacaloriat Siences de la vie et la terre

Abdelkarim El Khatabi - Rabat

  2009 - 2011

Technicien Spécialisé en Développement Informatique


  2011 - 2014

Génie Logiciel

High-Tech UNIVERCITY - Rabat


  Janvier 2012 - Juin 2020

Développeur et Intégrateur Web & Mobile

Bitdyne - Rabat

  Juillet 2020 - Janvier 2021

Responsable Organisation et Systèmes d'informations

HTTC - Rabat

My Interests



Make Movies

Playing Bowling

Jazz Musics
